
Meneghello Paolelli Associati


There is an enchanting appeal to the use of modular components. Simple and tidy but also versatile, they are imbued with an innate sense of great constructive freedom and beautifully balanced proportions.

Meneghello and Paolelli have made their architectural scale into the focus of Chain, an upholstered furniture collection containing a sofa and an armchair.

design: Meneghello Paolelli Associati

tous les produits \ Fauteuils \ Chain

Meneghello Paolelli Associati

Sandro Meneghello et Marco Paolelli, concepteurs de produits et consultants stratégiques en design industriel, ont fondé le cabinet de design Meneghello Paolelli Associati. Tous deux ont obtenu leur diplôme en 2004 à l’École Polytechnique de Milan.

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Sviluppo grafico Webkolm

Irene Sartor

Sviluppo sito Webkolm

Marco Tonet
Nicola Carpene
Simone De Gasperin

Foto credits


Piero Carniel (Webkolm)
Ilaria Giglio