Les gestes simples sont ceux qui changent notre vie. Ce sont des meubles qui s'adaptent à nos besoins et qui nous font nous sentir chez nous. Castiglioni a conçu Polet pour qu'il s'ouvre et se ferme le plus facilement possible, comme un transat. Assorti de draps et d'une couette.
Archiproducts Design Awards – Winner 2021
A multi-functional object is never perfect.
Better to design for one function than two.
If the first works the second won’t.
It’s more likely the second works rather than the first.
Which is the first and which the second? I don’t know.
Take it for one function and two will work.
If you have friends, take two so the functions become four.
Will all of them work? I don’t know.Achille Castiglioni