
Luca Nichetto


Un mueble importante, deliberadamente ancho y cómodo. La fluidez del perfil envuelve la abundancia de proporciones creando un conjunto de estilo moderno. La pata es otro detalle que remite al lenguaje de diseño de toda la colección: una adición formal claramente visible que confiere a Biggie personalidad y carácter.

Al igual que para el sofá, el sillón y la butaca lounge chair de la misma colección, el diseño de Biggie también gira alrededor de la estructura en su versión cama.

design: Luca Nichetto

todos los productos \ Camas de Matrimonio \ Biggie

Padded means soft. Gentle, welcoming. Biggie has a gender, she’s feminine. This is apparent in the rationale of using a single mould, in the nearness of contrasting details, in the desire for an aesthetic that unites different cultures and ways of living. And in the shape of the bed: the gentle curve of the wooden structure, delicate, almost poetic.

“I was looking for a passepartout design. Not business nor residential. But rather, a composition that encompassed the formal details of both worlds.”
Luca Nichetto

Biggie is a complete collection: from bed to lounge chair, from armchair to sofa. A system composed of formal details that encompasses all of life’s essential moments.

“A new collection encapsulates every aspect of the brand. Twils is looking to evolve in terms of furniture for the living area. But it’s in the sleeping areas that its strengths lie. Biggie includes both: I wanted to create a fil rouge that combines and capitalizes on all the company’s expertise and experience.
I considered the structure of both the bed and the sofa. If you reduce them to the bare minimum, they are not too dis similar. A rigid structure which contains a soft element. So, first of all, I designed a shell, a structure which offers different possibilities, different solutions.”.
Luca Nichetto

Biggie es una colección completa: de la cama a la butaca lounge chair, del sillón al sofá. Un sistema compuesto por detalles formales que combinan los distintos momentos de la vida.

“Southern Europe loves modular sofas. The Centre, the North and the Far East, especially further north, prefer configurations consisting of two or three seats. Luca Nichetto

The Biggie aesthetic works in both free-standing mode and in the modular version. It’s based on a versatile, repetitive framework. But which can be configured to create different forms: the sofa, the bed, an ample chaise longue. It’s all there: north and south. Rationality, softness. As the name suggests, Biggie is an extensive collection.

browse the Biggie collection brochure

Luca Nichetto

Diseñador originario de Venecia, desarrolla su actividad a escala internacional y está especializado en diseño industrial, diseño de productos y consultoría.
Sus dos estudios se encuentran en Venecia -desde 2006- y en Suecia, en Estocolmo -desde 2011.

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¿Te gusta Biggie?

Ficha técnica

somier, caja de almacenaje y base
tamaños de colchón (cm)
180x200, 160x200

¿Ya es distribuidor de Twils?(Obligatorio)
¿Qué le interesa?

Sviluppo grafico Webkolm

Irene Sartor

Sviluppo sito Webkolm

Marco Tonet
Nicola Carpene
Simone De Gasperin

Foto credits


Piero Carniel (Webkolm)
Ilaria Giglio