
Two different styles, two eclectic and diverse personalities united by love for their homeland and a passion for design. A formative process characterized by the bond of being both third-generation representatives “on a journey” in the world of design.

For years, they have been developing ideas in which attention to detail and the integration of form and functionality are the central elements of their approach and design aesthetics.

Edoardo Colzani is an Industrial Designer and Art Director. Over the years, he has collaborated with Emmanuel Babled and various companies ranging from cosmetics to industrial mechanics and furniture. Since 2013, he has been the Art Director of Laurameroni Design Collection. In 2016, he received a prestigious award during the Venice Biennale. He designs and produces toys for children.

Luca Novati has been an architect since 2006. A careful study of the cultural traditions of Como and a love of travel have influenced his aesthetic research. His projects range from the creation of event scenography to the restoration of industrial buildings, from exhibition design to interior design, and industrial product design.

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Piero Carniel (Webkolm)
Ilaria Giglio